SKUAST Kashmir Innovation, Incubation and Entrepreneurship Centre (SKIIE) is a Not-for-Profit Centre at Sher e Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences & Technology of Kashmir Srinagar J&K UT, dedicated to promote innovation and Entrepreneurship. It is a pedestal to help knowledge driven enterprises to establish and prosper under organized scientific guidance. It also facilitates swift commercialization of a product based on sophisticated technology. The main objective of the SKIIE Centre is to produce successful entrepreneurs/startups that will leave the program financially viable and free standing. It will create job, commercialize new technologies, and strengthen J&K’s and national economies. Incubator tenants not only benefit from business and technical assistance, they also benefit from official affiliation with the incubator, a supportive community with an entrepreneurial environment, direct link to entrepreneurs, and immediate networking and commercial opportunities with other tenant firms.
The SKIIE Centre aims to build and share resources including space and infrastructure, access to business support services, mentoring, training programmes to enhance the skills of entrepreneurs and seed funds. The scope of support is broad based, and covers technologies/IP developed wholly at the university or partly through collaborations elsewhere, as well as external start-ups with which SKUAST K members are associated as mentors. SKIIE Centre is also particularly open to proposals with strong social and strategic impact.
Reorient agricultural education to LEED (Leadership, Entrepreneurship, Employability and Discovery of new knowledge.
Conduct Sensitization Workshops and Ideation Events for faculty and students to identify creative ideas and encourage them to take up entrepreneurship as a preferred choice.
Support incubation program to provide enabling ecosystem for start-ups and entrepreneurs during critical stages of starting a new business.
Acceleration program to help Start-ups in scaling up.
Provide platform to the technology developers: scientists, students, entrepreneurs, and start-ups.
Establish SKUASTK- Entrepreneur-Industry interface cell for establishing business through consultancy, trainings, business advisory services and handholding to a level of stability and success.
Scanning and Aligning SKUASTK Research Outcomes: Identify technologies developed in the university that have scope for commercialization and viability, and nurture them to later stages of development that will meet market needs.
Provide infrastructure and technical expertise to entrepreneurs in different areas of agriculture and allied disciplines along with assistance in commercialization.
Business Advising to nurture, support and scale up technologies: Advisory on product development, demand creation, develop linkages with financial institutions for seed capital and industrial support to scale up.
Technology and product exhibitions: provide platform for exhibitions of prospective technologies and startups by scientists, students, entrepreneurs, institutions and communities.
Creation of knowledge house: Publication of outcomes, organization of workshops, seminars etc for knowledge sharing and information on technology updates.